Emergency Dental Care

A dental emergency can happen when you least expect it, whether itā€™s a broken tooth, severe uncontrollable pain, or sudden swelling in the face. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact your dental center as soon as possible. Your MCDC dental team is here to help you determine if treatment is needed now, or if it can wait. CallĀ your local MCDC CenterĀ to talk to someone about your dental concern.Ā 

What you can expect as an emergency patient?

If you are experiencing pain or need emergency dental services, we will find you the earliest available appointment at your nearest My Community Dental Center.

If you have a dental emergency or concern, first call your local MCDC Center. If the center is closed, please call (877)313-6232 until 4:30 pm Monday-Friday or after 4:30 pm visit your local Urgent Care.

This does not guarantee an immediate appointment or treatment. In some cases, treatment may require multiple steps to eliminate the dental problem.

Once your dental team assesses your situation over the phone, we will do our very best to get you in to be seen as soon as possible. In some cases, he or she may share ways to help ease symptoms or refer you to another dentist or to your local hospital if appropriate.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation that requires prompt attention from a dental professional. Without immediate attention, dental emergencies can be potentially life-threatening.Ā Ā 

Dental emergencies can include situations involving the teeth, mouth, jaw, and/or bones of the face. Possible symptoms including:

  • Swollen face and/or tissue inside the mouth. Otherwise known as an abscess.
  • Trauma to the teeth due to external injury, such as a fractured tooth with nerve exposure or a permanent tooth that has been knocked out of the socket.
Still not sure if the exact situation you’re experiencing is a dental emergency, or if it can wait? Call us and we can help!

When should you consider an emergency room visit?

  • If you have experienced trauma to the head or neck, a broken jaw, or have excessive/uncontrollable bleeding.
  • Severe, uncontrolled pain that persists even after taking medication.Ā 

Not sure if you should visit an emergency room? Call us! We will help you determine if you are in need of a dental center visit or an emergency room visit.

Dental Emergency FAQs

An appointment doesĀ not guarantee treatment. Treatment can look different for everyone! In some cases, treatment may require multiple steps to eliminate the dental problem.Ā 

A few common treatment and dentistry needs may be important, but donā€™t requireĀ emergency or urgent care. We can assist in scheduling:

  • Mild to Moderate pain that is controlled with medication
  • A chipped tooth that doesnā€™t have sensitivity or pain
  • Loose or lost filling, crown, or bridge
  • Broken/loose denture or partialĀ 
  • Bleeding gums
  • Dental exams and cleanings
  • Dental x-rays

First of all, weā€™re sorry you are experiencing a dental emergency. Weā€™re here to help andĀ ready to take care of you and that great smile of yours.

Call us immediately! If you have a dental emergency or concern, first call your home office. If the office is closed, please call (877)313-6232 until 4:30 pm Monday-Friday or after 4:30 pm visit your local Urgent Care.Ā